Year of GO

This year is about being and becoming a
Going people
A people learning how to better live on mission
in all aspects of life where we live, work, and play.
This informs how we
conduct our marriages,
raise our kids,
view our work
conduct our business,
interact with friends and neighbors,
but also informs how we use our leisure time
(weekends, vacations, retirement),
how we use our talents/skills,
and what we do with our money

In other words, how we use our time, talent, and treasure.

We long to see followers of Christ
compelled by the love of Christ to build intentional relationships,
seeking to meet needs by serving others,
and going to places and people around the world
to share the gospel.

Priority #1: EQUIP

  1. Catch the Vision

  2. Gospel Fluency

  3. Evangelism Training

  4. I-3 training and implementation

  5. Training on Prayer Walking

Priority #2: ENGAGE

  1. Neighborhood Ministry

  2. Alpha Courses

  3. Quarterly Missional/Serve Opportunities

  4. Skate Camp

  5. Mission Trip(s)

Priority #3: EXTEND

  1. Develop a Go Team

  2. Create a plan for Partnership Development

  3. Develop a Financial Plan

  4. Pursue Community Connections & Kingdom Collaboration

  5. Develop a system for intentional Follow Up

We are all called to go.

If you’d like to know more about the Mission, Values, and people of Calvary Highlands Ranch, continue to read on our website, feel free to contact one of our pastors, and join us on a Sunday morning at 10 am at Platte River Academy for our weekly
Sunday Worship Gathering.